Thursday, May 19, 2005

Sample Marketing To Doctors Letters

Here it is! My home

Here it is my home of paper!

This is the original project from which I am starting to assume the home furnishing project.

Vista so it might seem like a wedding favor, a concentration of niceties incredible, but I truly on the floor of this design have been there and I can hardly believe that they can keep us all that there is a bed designed + hours! I'm really breaking the meninges of dint think of solutions that do not make me think of suicide by asphyxiation in the minute space small, but I can think of crabs ...

last Saturday when I made the second round by the furniture maker Rick has accompanied me. During the trip we have threatened to leave, because my self-control has given way to a new crisis of jealousy because of his roommate and his continued presence in our lives. I gave the numbers, I started to accuse all my insecurities, not until Rick asked me to come stay with me, in view of the project of a future life alone.

I denied this possibility, I fear too.

I'm afraid I do not have the capacity to bear the happiness, though apparently this seems to have been presented in the form of a report stable ... so I keep my furniture projects, instead of my projects of common life. It 's all tremendously easier.

Can You Get Cold Sores From A Blood Transfusion?

We are running out! My house will be ready very soon, a few hours separate me from the keys of the house. The house keys are loaded with powerful symbols: are the tools that allow you access to a space that will host your refuge, your anxieties, your fears, your joys and your emotions ... in short your life. I do not know if it's a beautiful experience, I only know that now I am full of expectations, and charge.

Monday is the day of this important step, the keys of the house, the day which will initiate a new phase of my life.

I dreamed about this day so much, but I still feel so far away and unreachable. Fortunately all my energies are projected on the independence of my project, so me and my paranoia are distracted by something that will grow slowly.

My concerns were parked at the moment, I am now completely taken to everything I do and follow and think about e. .. Panic! So many things!

Today I put the picture of my map, now I have a hunger that can not see, I'm going to taste the delicacies of the table :-)