Sunday, October 25, 2009

Triple X Syndrome Statistics


High above the city, on a long, slender column sticking out the statue of the Happy Prince. Everything was golden leaves of fine gold, his eyes were two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby on the hilt of his sword gleaming.

Everyone admired him. "It 's beautiful as a weathercock," remarked one day one of the city councilors who wanted to be a reputation as a man of taste, "but is less useful," he hastened to add, for fear that people will be devoid of common sense, which he was not at all.
"Why do not you know act like the Happy Prince, "asked a mother full of common sense to your child who was crying because he wanted the moon. "The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything ever."
"I am pleased that in this world there is someone really happy," muttered a disappointed man admiring the beautiful statue.
"It looks like an angel," said the Trovatelli out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their neat white aprons.
"How do you say that?" Said the professor of mathematics, "if you do not have you ever seen! "
" Oh, yes, that we have seen, in our dreams, "answered the children, and the maths teacher frowned and made the dark side, because it was right that children dream.

One evening a Swallow flew over the city. His friends if they were went to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind because he was in love with a beautiful rod. He had known at the beginning of spring when he flew down the river in search of a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her.
"You want that I love to you? "he had asked the Swallow, who liked to be straight to the point, and the Reed made him a deep bow. So he flew several times around, touching the water with their wings, and ripples of silvery circles. This was his court, and lasted throughout the summer.
"That's a ridiculous attachment," Garriano other Swallows, 'E' with no money, but instead has a lot of relatives, "and indeed the river was full of rods.
Then, as soon as autumn came, the Swallows flew all away. When they had gone the Swallow felt alone, and began to tire of his beloved.
"Can not talk," said he, "and I fear it is an owl, as followed jilt with the Wind." In fact, every time the wind blew, the rod bends with gracious bows.
"I recognize you're home, "continued the Swallow," but I like to travel and thus also to my wife should pleasure trips ".
" You come away with me? "he asked at last, but the Barrel shook his head, was too fond of his home. "You've teased me," said the Swallow. "I'm going to the Pyramids. Farewell, "and flew away.
flew all day, evening and came to the town.
" Where will I stay? "He said. "I hope I have prepared the festivities. "
But then he noticed the statue on the high column. "I'm going to live there," he said. "The location is beautiful, the excellent and you have to breathe fresh air."
So alighted just between the feet of the Happy Prince.
"I have a bedroom of gold" he murmured softly to himself, looking around and getting ready for the night, but just as he was putting his head under the wing fell upon a large drop of water.
"What strange thing, "he said. "In heaven there is not even the smallest cloud, the stars are bright and clear, yet it is raining. The climate of Northern Europe is simply frightening. Reed liked the rain, but this was solely due to his selfishness. "
In one fell another drop.
" What is a statue if it can not find shelter? "He muttered; "I must look for a good chimney," and was about to fly away. But just as he was about to open its wings a third drop fell, and he lifted up his eyes and saw ... ah, what did he see? The eyes of the Happy Prince were swollen with tears, tears streaming down her cheeks and golden. His face was so beautiful under the moonlight that the little Swallow was filled by a deep piety.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I am the Happy Prince."
"Why are you crying then? I've soaked it all. "
" When I was alive and had a human heart, "answered the statue," I did not know what they were tears, because I lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci, where the pain is not allowed to enter. During the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and at night I drove the ball in the Great Hall. Around the garden ran a very high wall, but I never care to know what is reaching up beyond it, everything around me was so beautiful! My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and if pleasure is happiness, I was really happy. So lived and so died. And now that I'm dead they put me here so high now that I see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is lead more I can do is cry. "
" Why ? It is not solid gold? "he asked himself mentally Swallow, because he was too polite to ask aloud questions of a personal nature.
" Far away, "continued the statue with her sweet musical voice," , away down a side street there is a poor house. A window of this house is open and through you I see a woman sitting at a table. Her face is thin and wasted, and his hands are red and rough, all from the needle prick, as does the stapler. She is embroidering passion-flowers on a satin gown that most beautiful of the maids of honor of the Queen will wear to the next Court ball. In bed, in a corner of the room, her child lies ill. He has a fever and would like to eat oranges, but his mother has nothing to give, except river water, so the baby cries. Swallow, little Swallow, will not take the ruby on the hilt of my sword that glitters ? My feet are attached to this pedestal and I I can not move. "
" I waited in Egypt, "answered the Swallow. "My friends at this time flying over the Nile, and talking with large lotus flowers. Soon will go to sleep in the tomb of the great King, where the King himself is buried in his sarcophagus painted, wrapped in yellow linen, and embalmed with spices. He has his neck adorned with a necklace of pale green jade, and his hands are like withered leaves.
"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "do not want to stay with me for one night only, and be my messenger? The child was thirsty, and the mother is so sad! "
" I do not think I like children, "said the Swallow. "Last summer, when I was on the river, there were two rude boys, the two sons of a miller, I always threw stones. Of course I have ever taken, of course: we swallows fly too well to be struck, and the rest I come from a family famous for its agility, but it was still a serious lack of respect. "
But the Happy Prince had a face so sad Swallow that he feels pain. "Here it is very cold," he said, "but to please you I will stay one more night and I'll be your messenger."
"Thank you, little Swallow," said the Prince.
So the Swallow plucked the great ruby which decorated the sword of the Prince and flew over the rooftops of the city, clutching the jewel in its beak pointed. Passed by the cathedral tower, on which were carved large marble angels. Passed by the palace and heard the sound of dancing.
A beautiful girl appeared on the balcony with her lover. "Look at that great star," he said, "and how wonderful the power of love! "
" I hope my dress will be ready for when there is the dance of the state "said the girl. "I ordered it to be embroidered with passion flowers, but the seamstresses are so lazy! "
He passed over the river, and saw the lanterns hanging to the masts of ships. Passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jews bargaining with each other, and weighed the money on scales of copper. It finally came to the poor house and looked into it. The baby was waving frantically on the bed, while her mother was asleep: she was tired! Hopped into the room and put the big ruby on the table next to the woman's thimble. Then he flew around the bedroom floor and stroking his forehead with his wings of small, causing wind gently.
"How do I feel fresh," said the child. "Maybe I start to feel better and slept a peaceful sleep.
Then the Swallow Rivoli from Happy Prince and told him what he had done. "It 's strange," he remarked, "but even now I face a cold hot dog."
"Why did you do a good deed," said the Prince.
the little Swallow began to think, but soon fell asleep: the thinking was always on me very sleepy.
When the day dawned, he flew down to the river and took a bath.
"What extraordinary phenomenon," said the Professor of Ornithology at the time that passed over the bridge. "A swallow in winter!" And he sent a long letter to local newspaper about it. All the quoted: it was littered with a lot of words that nobody understood.
"Tonight I leave for Egypt," said the Swallow, and estimates put this in a good mood. He visited all the public monuments, and long remained sitting atop the steeple of the church. Wherever he went the Sparrows were singing and bispigliavano between them: "What a distinguished stranger!" So the Swallow is a fun world.
When the moon rose Rivoli from the Happy Prince. "You have to give me some commission for Egypt?" He said. I'm starting.
"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "do not want to stay with me one more night?"
"In Egypt, waiting for me," answered the Swallow. "Tomorrow my friends will fly up to the Second Cataract. There, among the rushes, he is squatting the hippo, and a great throne granite sits the God Memnon. All night he contemplates the stars, and when the morning star shines he utters one cry of joy, and then silent. At noon, the tawny lion come down to drink the water's edge. They have eyes like green beryl, and their roar is louder than the roar of the cataract.
"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "far away, across town I see a young man in a garret, leaning against a desk cluttered with papers, and a jug next to him is a bunch of withered violets. Her hair is brown and curly, his lips are red as a pomegranate, and her eyes are large and dreamy. Is striving to finish a play for the Director of the theater, but too cold to continue to write. There is no fire in his fireplace, and he did pass out from hunger. "
" Okay, I'll wait one more night with you, "said the Swallow, who had just a heart of gold. "I take him another ruby?"
"Alas, I have no jewels, now" the Prince said, "everything I have left are my eyes, but they are made of rare sapphires, and were brought from India over a thousand years ago. Strappane and a portaglielo. Sell it to the jeweler, and you buy firewood, and finish his play. "
" Dear Prince, "said the Swallow," I can not do this "
" Swallow, Swallow , little Swallow, "said the prince, crying," ubbidiscimi, please. "
So the Swallow plucked the eye of the Prince and flew to the attic of the student. It was easy to enter, because there was a hole in the roof. The Swallow there darted through, and penetrated into the room. The young man had buried his head in his hands, so did not feel the flutter of wings of the bird, and when he looked up he saw the beautiful sapphire lying in the midst of withered violets.
"begin to appreciate me! "he cried," certainly sends me some great admirer. Now I can finally finish my play! "And it was all happy.
The next day the Swallow flew down to the harbor. Perched on the shaft of a big ship and stood to watch the sailors who came down on ropes to force the hold heavy boxes. "Issa-oh! "They cried to each other as they climbed the crates.
" I'm going to Egypt! "Garra the Swallow, but no one heeded, and when the moon rose he flew Once again the Happy Prince.
"I came to say goodbye," she said.
"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "do not want to stay with me for another night?"
'E' winter now, "said the Swallow," and soon will come the cold snow. In Egypt the sun is warm on the green palm trees and crocodiles lie in the mud and look around with lazy eyes. My companions are building a nest in the Temple of Baalbec, pink and white doves and watch them, and cooing to each other. Dear Prince, I must leave you, but never forget you, and next spring I'll take two beautiful jewels in place of those you have given away. The ruby will be redder than a red rose, and sapphire is blue like the vast sea. "
" In the square below, "said the Happy Prince," there is a little match girl. The matches have fallen into the gutter of the sidewalk, and you are all wet. Her father will beat her if you do not take home a bit 'of money, so the little cries. Has neither shoes nor stockings, and her little head is bare. Rend portaglielo my other eye, so his father will not beat. "
" I'll stay with you again for tonight, "said the Swallow," but I can not tear the other eye. You'd be completely blind. "
"Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "do as I say."
So the Swallow plucked the other eye of the Prince and shot down in the square. He spent spinning next to the little match girl and slipped the jewel into the palm of your hand.
"What a beautiful piece of glass," said the girl, and ran home, laughing.
Then the Swallow came back by Prince. "Now you're blind," he said, "so I will stay with you forever. "
" No, little Swallow, "murmured the poor Prince," you must go to Egypt. "
" I'll stay with you forever 'said the Swallow, and sleep at the foot Prince. Then all the next day he stood perched on the shoulder of the Prince, and told him what he had seen in distant countries. He spoke of the red ibises, who wait in long queues on the banks of the Nile and catching fish in its beak gilded spoke of the Sphinx, which is as old as the world, and lives in the desert, and knows everything, spoke to the merchants who travel plan alongside their camels and carry amber beads in her hands, spoke to the King of the Mountains of the Moon, which is black as ebony, and worships a large crystal , spoke of the great green snake that sleeps in a palm grove and is fed by twenty priests with honey cakes, and also that of the pygmies who sail over a big lake on large flat leaves and are always at war with butterflies.
"Dear little Swallow," said the Prince, "you tell me about wonderful things, but more wonderful than anything is the pain of men and women. There is no Mystery so great misery. Fly over my city, little Swallow, and tell me what you see. "

So the Swallow flew over the great city, and saw the rich revel in their beautiful houses, while the poor sat outside the gates. He flew into dark lanes, and saw the white faces of starving children who stared with vacant eyes the dark streets.
Under the arches of a bridge two little boys are huddled together trying to warm each other. ;
"How hungry we are! "They said.
"You can not sleep there," said the guard, and the two children away in the rain.
Then the Swallow came back and told the Prince what he had seen.
"I'm all coated with gold, "said the Prince," you have to take off, leaf by leaf, and give it to my poor, the living believe that gold can make them happy. "
The Swallow macerate away leaf after leaf of the fine gold, till the Happy Prince was all dull and gray. Leaf to leaf of the fine gold he brought the poor, and the faces of the children became more rosy, and they laughed and played childish games in the streets.
"We have bread now! "They shouted.
Then came the snow, and after the snow came the frost. The streets seemed paved with silver, they were so bright and shiny, long icicles, similar to blades of glass, hung from the eaves of houses, all furry and turned boys wore scarlet caps and skated on the ice.
The poor little Swallow was colder and colder, but would not allow the prince loved him too well. Crumb out of the door when the baker he had his back turned, and tried to warm themselves by flapping their wings.
But in the end, he realized that he was near death. He had just strength to fly one last time on the shoulder of the Prince.
"Goodbye, dear Prince," he murmured, "I let me kiss your hand? "
" I'm glad you go to Egypt at last, little Swallow, "said the Prince," you've been here too long, but you have to kiss on the lips, because I love you. "
"It's not that I'm going to Egypt," said the Swallow, "I go to the House of Death. Death is not perhaps the sister of Sleep? "And he kissed the Happy Prince on the lips, and fell dead at his feet.
At that moment they heard a strange crash in the interior of the statue, as if something had broken. The fact is that the leaden heart had split in two net.

course it was bitterly cold. The next morning, time for the mayor went for a walk in the square below in company with the Councillors. In passing before the column he looked up at the statue:
"My God! As regards the principle Happy! "He exclaimed.
" Really! How tanned! "Exclaimed the Councillors who always said what he said the Mayor, and they all went up to see better.
" The ruby has fallen on the sword hilt, his eyes are gone, and the gilding has disappeared, "said the Mayor," in short, seems little more than a beggar! "
" A little less than a beggar "repeated in chorus the Councillors civic.
" And here, at the foot of statue, there is even a dead bird! "Continued the Mayor. "We simply must make an order that the birds are not allowed to die here! "Public
and the scribe took notes for the drafting of the decree.
So they pulled down the statue of the Happy Prince.
" Since it is more beautiful is no longer even useful, "observed the Professor of Fine Arts University.
then melted the statue in a furnace and the Mayor convoked a meeting of the Corporation to decide what you had to do with the metal.
"We have to build another statue," he said, "and will be my statue."
"My" he repeated each of the Aldermen, and argued. The last time I had news of them were still arguing.
"What a curious thing! "Said the overseer of workers at the foundry. "This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace. I must throw it away. "
and threw it on a garbage heap where they had thrown the Swallow also died.

"Bring me the two most precious things you find in the city," said God to one of His Angels, and the angel brought him the leaden heart and the dead bird.
"You chose well" , declares the Lord, "because in my garden of Paradise this little bird will sing forever, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shall praise me."

Milena Velba Stockings

thanksforthev @ 2009-10-25T22: 33:00

It makes sense to live in reference to the other?
Because someone will remember who you are and what you do?
must exist for someone to really live?
must be remembered by those around you?
Or you can live only for themselves? Or only the people around you make you feel good?
E 'key exist for those who have loved and believed in you?
Finally, it is the fault of the person who wants to be remembered if one does not remember? Or you may not be appreciated?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Women Wearing Short Cut Shorts


L'aveva capito 29 anni fa .
E ancora nessuno lo ascolta . 


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Abnormal Cells Stomach

First lesson in Japanese!

Follow me below the cut! * __ *

Yesterday morning began the first lesson in Japanese, thanks to an initiative of the university that gave students an opportunity and not to know this language. I was especially excited when she got the teacher mother tongue: Yukari, a sweet lady and very helpful!
First, we asked Quli Japanese words we knew, but did not expect to have in front of a class of fans of anime, manga and J-pop and was positively surprised at the end of our little "smattering." I could say that we are a class of nerds and otaku XD
The lesson of yesterday was started, but since now exciting so much so that two hours literally fly! Seriously when the teacher greeted us thought "but it's gone half an hour ... an hour at most!" then I look at the phone and surprise marked the 18:00!
'm really happy and excited! Tomorrow will be the second lesson and I can not wait! And I know that tomorrow we will all have to make the presentation of ourselves in front of the class! Waaa I do not know what to say XD

I'm happy because last week I have passed me very well and I was very disappointed in a competition to which had great hopes. But oh well, that was it. Sooner or later it will also reach me find my way. Summarize

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Twister Board Game Fabric

Vacation Diary # 1, Part

a busy week of vacation would be reductive because I had lots of fun!
In most was a fun experience to live with for a week surrounded by friends (and has been sweet for a week living with Ale ... so that now the house is close to me ... I miss and is bad to sleep alone, wake up and see that he is not).

We organized this trip in record time and especially in the mega delay since the beginning of August we came up with this idea! We were afraid of being unable to find package deals for the week higher all year, but with so much tenacity and patience we have found an apartment in San Teodoro: Li cuppulati that one of the participants has also adapted Hotel California "Welcome to the residence cuppulatiii ... Such a lovely place, Such a lovely face" XD ... We take the hit of the summer, as well as the phenomenon of "birbaccione" (always a creation of the musician of the company), the story of birbaccione born on the evening of our arrival: having complied with the bureaucratic requirements for taking possession of residence, the guardian recommends that we be careful because you never know that some native with the excuse of trying to sell the sheep into the house to rob ... in fact, has done more than psychological terrorism and it worked every time so that was good for us jokes, like someone in the shower knocking at the door and said, mimicking the accent Sardinian Pecorino do you want? " ... I wanted to laugh, but my friend was scared the first time seriously ... in short, the fact is that by this elusive and mysterious character that we had to strike fear was "transformed" into a "birbaccione" (in turn all the boys in the company were birbaccioni and playing games: P). Anyway, no one ever suspected he approached the residence, but the sea as well as various vucumprà and sellers of coconut (incidentally, one of them was a poet and recited often "he said Boccaccio, without coconut as I do" XD) there were serious sellers with pecorino van parked outside the beach! True that the country Go to the Romans do!
The beaches are beautiful: we are the ones with the white sand that resembles Rosignano, there are those with seaweed and rocks, there are those with soft soft sand, but in all there is one thing that unites .. . the water incredibly clear and transparent! the color is constantly changing from green to a deep blue to pale blue to the so-called (by me) blue tempera ... describe is so restrictive, but it's really a wonderful sea so much that I regret not having had the courage to go off (swim, but when I feel my feet under the ground there is literally going to panic and the risk of being dangerous for me and those around me T__T).
The last day we took a boat trip with the skipper (in Veneto!) We explained the curiosities of the islands and Tavolara Molara: of course I sat perched in the middle of the boat, but they still managed to enjoy my trip and I you short of breath to see how nature is stunning, even as changes within a few miles! There were rocks and islets of geological totally different from each other! But the thing that impressed me (positively) the most was the wreck of a ship with the boat slowly we began to see the waters of the plates appear reddened by rust. At that moment my heart was a jerk ... ninth know why, but the view of the work eaten by a human sea made me understand how there can overwhelm the power of nature and I felt intimidated: the vessels themselves are spectacular and impressive works, yet the sea is able to corrode and turn them into little rusty skeletons. .. as if it was a no brainer. And I have the feeling that this had also Ale and our friends so much so that for several minutes fell silent. Here, past the moment of awe I felt envious of those who are able to swim in deep water, and maybe knows how to dive ... who knows the show was down there.

Needless to say, leave that paradise was hard and sad and I know that these few lines do not are able to encompass all the experiences this week, but as soon as I get some inspiration I will devote another post to Sardinia, Sardinia that I saw

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rolling Shutters Rolladen

tear of nostalgia!

* w * I'm back !!!!!
A little 'I'm sorry because I was fine: I visited the beaches of San Teodoro, which are amazing! I'll tell you better, now I'm going to sink in the bed that I'm exhausted!!

tuttiiiiiii A kiss!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Magicgate Memory Card Driver

I leave for a week!

I wanted to post an update before leaving, but I had a mess of things to do and just do not have it done, but I promise that as soon as I get back (just enough time to rest) and place the isbi!

delivery tomorrow morning with her boyfriend and our Friends of Sardinia at a time! It will be a whole week devoted to relaxation, sea and (just to satisfy the tastes of all, I'd rather avoid it) a couple of discos in which to think earnestly most powerful metal: Rhapsody of Fire, help me with the Emerald Sword !!!!!
XD Waaa I'm so happy that this year was possible to organize a one-week vacation, the last dating back to 2005 ... the rest have always gone for a weekend.

So say goodbye: a beautiful past August, have fun whether you are in some resort, whether you're home! A great big kiss to prestoooooooo!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Kind Of Weave Does La La Wear

The first post !!!!!

eeeee ... begin! I also
I sling the experience of writing a blog on LJ, a little 'not to "smear" the one dedicated to the legacy, rather' why so I can let you know how ste several days since I'm not updating ... in fact there are reasons and unfortunately one is very ugly: for sure you have read on CMR that my grandmother passed away a few months from his grandfather and this has brought so much sadness and too many family commitments (the Italian bureaucracy makes me too angry because they do not even give way to experience the pain that there are thousands of papers and documents is a sign, retrieve, etc. etc. .... a mess!). The other thing
that kept me busy last Saturday and was still bears the signs! This summer I got a job at an agency catering to call (there's Ale, and then in addition to a duty is also a pleasure) and the last time we had to organize a dinner for 150 guests at a wedding castle: the location was nothing short of enchanting because the owner and the keeper did a great job of restoration and maintenance ... shame that you had to travel to reach a narrow road next to a crevasse and unprotected ... you can not even imagine how much I prayed for the fear, I just think that the van with all the equipment could not take it to arrive destination. Leaving aside the bullshit that the castle was a real harpy stingy that he had the constant fear that we care a few pot, when we used our! It even came every 5 minutes to check the temperature of refrigerators and freezer because she was then to pay the consumption ... But is all the money that was taken by the couple to rent the castle was not just a few! Leaving aside the castle, we struggled like donkeys: plus I was about to take an unusual and consequently there have been a terrible headache (luck that saved me painkillers), but honestly I did not mind too much because I also had fun as hell ... I enjoy it even when I work, especially among the owners of the catering, the other people and especially Ale we all strive to give the best of ourselves. The head is very quiet then, is one of those people that you're wrong if he does not notice, but with kindness and never yells at you and assure you that last Saturday would have every reason to be on edge with the skin of I rented two vans arrived and then one had to do more than three trips to get all the necessary, the haunted castle with all its Paturnie and eventually among the guests were added thirty more people ... and most did not know how to make them sit ^^'''
At the end of the evening - or should I say, early next morning because we have worked continuously from 9:30 until 4:00 on Saturday on Sunday - the feet were full of vesica (I had to take the skirt to make the waiters and so no sneakers, loafers, but that will have been too comfortable, but I had to go back and forth on the stone of the castle and climb the stairs do not know how many times Wood ... more I have of my sensitive skin .... in short, a pleasure for your feet). I now have the flesh out and I also burns the air that touches ... I ache all the muscles of the body ... but I'm also satisfied because Opsite the end they were all happy (an elderly lady gave me compliments for yourself!).
We have prepared an aperitif in the courtyard just outside the castle, the dinner in the courtyard in the throne room and the open bar and disco and karaoke ... plus the wedding was held in the chapel of the castle itself (can not deny that I too would like one day to do such a thing *__*). The only thing that I have not liked ... it was just the bride! For heaven's sake, it was a beautiful woman .... What the fuck's dress had ?!?!?! I figured that with a truly fabulous and we needed a suit at hand was a mini (mini loooong) dress attilio loooong and low-cut (you could see almost everything outside ... every step of the tsunami was the tits) ... it is certainly a subjective choice, but I imagined a style that rivals all the women and instead it was suitable for a disco ... Nonono .... when I am married, the dress will be something romantic like that make me look ethereal Galadriel * __ *

very soon, now I put myself in the game !!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pokemon Silver Vba For Mac


Okay hiding, but St. Patrick was an upgrade a must!
A little 'event if you do not know to decide where to celebrate ...

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, celebrated March 17. To learn about the life of this saint to whom the Irish are so devoted, you can arrange a tour in the Land of St. Patrick, an area in Northern Ireland to two hours from Dublin and half an hour from Belfast, around Downpatrick (Co. Down), in Northern Ireland.
In these places you can wander on the tomb of St. Patrick first to visit the Saint Patrick Centre, a permanent center dedicated to the patron saint of Ireland who, video reconstructions, historical, and personal stories of pilgrimages to St. Patrick, highlights the human and holiness of Patrick.
Downpatrick can be the starting point for a trip to deepen their knowledge in this area of Ireland: St Patrick Trail through you can wander in Belfast, before heading for the coast of Antrim , then passed on the shores of Lough Stangford.
Here, at the time, there was a settlement of a famous Cistercian monastery, this area is particularly striking, given the presence of a tomb of the period Neolithic and one of the first Christian churches in Ireland, St Tassach.
Detail and Impact Croagh Patrick (County Mayo) , bristling with a mountain that plunges into the ocean, the place that marked the period of meditation and hermitage of St. Patrick.
In this part of the island called "St Patrick's Country", from 11 to 19 March is held on the 'Armagh Down Saint Patrick's Festival, a tribute to the patron saint. A sequence of events on the calendar, concerts, parades and grand masquerade, scheduled for March 17 in the two towns (and


As everyone knows, is celebrated every year in Dublin in mid-March, the feast of St. Patrick, a religious festival but also a great opportunity to have fun on the streets of the city. What not many people know, however, is that the festivities in honor of the holy place in many other countries, the United States to Australia, from Canada to Europe. One of the city where this festival is especially felt in traditional Irish and celebrated with enthusiasm is the nearby London, which each year hosts a festival, a parade and a lot of events inspired by the Irish culture. The focus

the festivities in honor of St. Patrick's Day will be held March 15 in various parts of London, but in the days preceding and following a full calendar of events will allow visitors to extend the fun for several days. What better, then, to take advantage of the breadth of offerings to London, go to one of the most visited European capitals and rich in art and history and learn at the same time, culture, music and Irish cuisine?
The St. Patrick's Day in London will enable you to find out more about Irish traditions, and will do some of the city's most famous locations such as Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Covent Garden.
Celebrations already beginning March 9 and continue until 17, with live music, Celtic dancing, food stands and many other cultural events: the center and hostels in London will be besieged by many tourists who will take advantage of the feast of St. Patrick for to immerse themselves in Irish culture.
Movie fans can visit the Barbican to see each other a nice Irish film, while art lovers will be able to follow a special route in the National Portrait Gallery to explore a number of famous Irish people like Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw, and their relationship with London.
In addition to these events on culture, the feast of St. Patrick is characterized also for its indisputable student spirit: and behold some of the best places to celebrate as it should be the Irish pub, where you can listen to Celtic music, enjoy a pint of Guinness or a good Irish food. In this regard, visitors will have the opportunity to taste typical dishes and products thanks to several stands located in the squares.
And on the streets and squares that you will breathe more the atmosphere of the festival, especially on March 15, when they held the parade and the festival of St. Patrick. The festival will take place in Trafalgar Square and will house from noon to 18:00, a number of performances by bands and Irish dancing, which surely will involve all the audience, while the parade will pass through some of the most representative of the city. From Hyde Park Corner at Whitehall Palace, passing through Piccadilly, Lower Regent Street and Trafalgar Square, the parade will bring joy and music in various parts of London, with its traditional set of floats, marching bands, dancers and much more.

Back Parco Nord in Bologna March 13 to 17 "Irlanda in Festa", a festival dedicated to the music and traditions of the island clover organized on the occasion of dall'Estragon St'Patrick's Day
For this third edition of the festival can count on one more day and some news. Confirmed
of course the winning combination music & food. Many of the concerts scheduled on the two stages of Estragon and North Park, with the addition of a date "outside" at the Theatre of the Celebrations. The large food stand will be ready to receive instead of the gourmet cuisine of Emilia and Irish. Back
sports too: last year, Ireland and Emilia crossed gloves, bumping into the ring for a very successful boxing tournament, this year we can take revenge, but also a challenge unprecedented in all rounds of darts.
For the first time, an open space called "multimedia room, proposing to film buffs and visitors a selection of Irish films. There will, finally, the stand dedicated to craftsmanship and thematic publications.
access to the premises of Palanord is always free, charges are only the entrance to the concert at the Theatre of Estragon and Celebrations.
In a self-respecting Irish festival can not miss the beer, the "stout" par excellence, the Guinness, which has become almost a symbol of the island green to red very much appreciated. But
"Irlanda in Festa" has made the choice, since its first edition, also favor dishes Irish, in a comparison "last bite" with the Emilian tradition. And so, alongside the traditional tortellini and lasagna, every night from 19 to 23 (Sunday, March 15 for lunch) you can taste the beef in Guinness, Irish stew, fish and chips and much more. A face in the kitchen the chef Damien O'Shea, who will be specially from Cork, and Luciano Rimondi.


FRIDAY 'March 13:
Folk Stage:

19.30 to 20.45: Les Irlandiis (ITA)
21.00 - 22.15: Stage of dances: Irish sets
22.15 to 23.30: Reno Folk Band (ITA)
23.45 to 24.30: Les Irlandiis (ITA)
24.45 - 01.30: Radadum (ITA)
01.45 - 03.00: Drunk Butchers (ITA)

Multimedia room
20, 30 to 22.30: Irish film - Once (John Carney 2006)
22.30 to 24.30: Irish film - In the name of the Father (Jim Sheridan 1993)
24.30 - 02.30: Irish film - The wife the soldier (Neil Jordan 1992)

Sports Arena 21.30-24.00: Match International Darts: Pub O'Cionnaigh Cork vs Bologna
Dragon Pub (ih ih ih ... Sorry)

22.30 - 24.15: Concert Bandabardo '(ITA)
Admission: € 10 (inclusive ticket for all three concerts: 20 €)

Saturday, March 14:
Folk Stage:

16.00 to 18.30: Stage Dance with the group of Reno Folk
19.00 to 20.00: Connemara Lullaby (ITA)
20.15 - 22.00: Reno Folk Band (ITA)
22.15 to 24.00: Inis Fail Ceili Band ( ITA)
23.45 to 24.30: Les Irlandiis (ITA)
01.15 - 02.15: Here Be Dragons (Wales)
02.30 - 04.00: Drunk Butchers (ITA)

Multimedia room
16.00 to 17.30: Direct Italy - Wales (Six Nations Rugby)
17.30 to 19.00: Direct Scotland - Ireland (Six Nations Rugby)
23.00 to 24.30: Irish film - Michael Collins (Neil Jordan 1996)

Sports Arena
21.00 - 01.00: International Tournament Darts: Double Yellow couples
(ih ih ih ... Sorry again)

22.30 to 24.15: Concerto Modena City Ramblers ( ITA)
Admission: € 10 (inclusive ticket for all three concerts: 20 €)

Sunday, March 15:
Folk Stage:

13.00 to 14.30: Tobler (Ireland)
15.30 to 18.30: Stage Dance with Inis Fail Ceili Band
20.00 to 21.15: Tobler (Ireland)
21.30 - 22.45: Bohemia Ukulele Band (UK)
22, 15 to 23.30: Reno Folk Band (ITA)
23.00 to 24.30: Mahones (CANADA)

Multimedia room
23.00 - 01.00: Irish film - Joe Strummer: the future is not written (Julien Temple 2007)

Sports Arena

18:30 to 20:30: International Boxing Match: Always Next Bologna vs Dublin Crumlin Boxing Presents: Roberto Freak Antoni
21.30-24.00: Friendly Match of Darts: Fans vs Bologna FC Supporters Cork
City FC (Ih ih ih ... Yes, I do laugh arrows)

10.00 to 18.00: National Championship Darts Individual and Team
(... OK, stop)

Theater Celebrations
21.00 to 23.00: Concerto Davide Van De Sfroos

MONDAY 'March 16:
Folk Stage:

19.00 to 20.00: Tobler (Ireland )
20.15 to 21.00: Fryda (ITA)
21.15 to 22.00: Crazy Folk Fairies (ITA)
22.15 to 23.00: O'Rovers (ITA)
23.15 to 01 , 00: Folkearth (ITA)

room from 20.00 to 22.00: Irsh film - The Commitmens (Alan Parker 1991)
22.30 to 24.30: Irish film - Angela's Ashes (Alan Parker 1999)

22.00 to 23.30: Concert of The Commitments (IRELAND)

TUESDAY 'March 17

Folk Stage:
19.00 to 20.15: Tobler (IRELAND)
20 , 30 to 21.00: Dimond (ITALY)
21.00 - 24.30: Happy St.Patrick Gaby: Boys From The County Hell (Ireland) Drunk Butchers (Ita) and sickle Piquette (Ita)

Multimedia room:
20.30 to 22.30: Irish film - The Boxer (Jim Sheridan 1997)
22.30-24.30: The Snapper (Stephen Frears 1993)

Putting it all the program is crazy, then I put the link directly at:

School of Irish dancing Tara School this year organized the first St. Patrick's Party!
The date is March 15 at Palasesto Sesto San Giovanni, near Milan. A busy day of music and dance events.
The organization is sponsored by the Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni, Italy and the Embassy of Ireland in Guinness, which will provide many many gadgets and prizes for participants.
During the day there will be stage uilleann pipes, Gaelic to of Bodhran Irish Dance and of course . There will be a corner pub with Irish specialties and the presence of Banshees songs that gladdened by Pub.

The event will culminate with a concert by The afternoon of Padraig Rynne Group, a concert not be missed.

In Florence, as in the rest of the world are celebrating the patron saint of Ireland, and as fond of the Irish themselves had Italian origins. From March 17 to 21 the Saschall will become a part of Ireland.
For St. Patrick's Day in Florence every night music, culture, cuisine and atmosphere, typical of the Celtic tradition. Opening Day every day at 19.30.
Tuesday 17:
at 20.30 at 21.30 CISALPIPER S
Cliffs of Moher (dance) at 22.00
at 23.30 CISALPIPER S.
Wednesday 18:
at 22:15 Modena City Ramblers.
Thursday 19:
Friday 20:
at 21.15 Cliffs of Moher (dance)
DAVIDE VAN DE Sfroos at 22.30 - 24.00 hours
Saturday 21: Massimo Giuntini
at 20.30 at 21.15
BAND & Cliffs of Moher (dance)
hours 21:45 hours 23:15 Dervish
Cliffs of Moher (dance) - at 23.30 hours 24.45 ALTROSUONO
Story Tellers. In

reduced Saschall the first floor every night except Thursday, March 19, the Painting Steps will enliven the evening with a group of traditional Irish dance teaching the dance steps of jigs and reels.
For the duration of the event, exhibition of Celtic crafts, and gourmet foods, clothing, records, books, jewelry and ornaments of Irish tradition.
There are also food stalls to taste dishes such as "culcannon", "turrip and bacon soup," "Dublin coddle," "Irish stew" and many other delicacies. And the legendary beers, of course!

This year the festival will be attended by great artists such as Padraig RYNNE that will inaugurate the event. Another
interesting group who will play for the first time on stage in Festival of Ireland is composed MANUAL KENNEDY, LE BIGOT Gelles, GERRY O'CONNOR, MARTIN QUINN offering revisiting the old songs and ballads from the south of Ulster.
E 'clearly underline the great concert by a legendary Irish group the Dervish, who have already established a reputation and success by years of activity that led them to perform all over the world and certainly will see them involved in a great evening Music on the stage of the festival. The appointment with the great music returns with the historical groups that have always performed within the party as the Whisky Trail, which have the cd "White Goddess" with new arrangements, and that instead Modena City Ramblers will present a preview of their so-called "free wave" coming soon.
Another important gain is that of David Van De Lombard Sfroos the original songwriter whose musical journey has been marked several times by culture and tradition of Ireland.
groups will take turns on stage inspired by the Italian and Irish music in various forms, including the group Massimo Giuntini, the Cisalpipers, the CAREELON, the ALTROSUONO and storytellers.
This year the dance company will present the Cliffs of Moher to the group stages which will take STEP PAINTING for beginners.

To read the complete program (and lose some diotria as it is written in white on green background!) And buy tickets:

Once again Frank and Lella confirm that if there were not have to invent!

Saturday, March 14, "WAITING S. PATRICK "
2 nd edition of the evening dedicated to Ireland:
Themed dinner with specialties Guinnesss (Irish stew, loin honey cake with Guinness, and many other delicacies) and especially music with" OUT OF CONTROL "tribute band U2.