Sunday, August 27, 2006

Primary Hiv Rash Location


I've always loved the myth of Pandora. I think I've heard the first time watching Pollon (yes yes, I was a lover of cartoons and still are, although to a lesser extent. And I have learned great things ... for example, in Japan the laws of physics are not valid: P ).
One wonders why this LJ considering that I already have another blog, but the answer is simple. Pandora
wanted his space.
The other blog is part of Arcadia and the two do not always get along.

Today is a beautiful day, my have decamped and set off for the mountains. Finally
Then there is the pain in the ass brother but we spend three to one. It 's something more manageable. At least I hope so. And now we
to see how the cat because my mother was nearly killed by car before leaving. =___=


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