Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tac 5 Recon Instructions


seem to disappear from lj, there are still the 100passi!
early October are resumed dance lessons and the group is slowly recovering from the wrecked summer festivals ... VERY slowly, especially because some travel, some evenings and some places you would never let me finish ... Sigh ... And while we're at the festival theme, especially in ways laid down by the melancholy of NL

Dear friends,
few weeks ago has been finally decided by our association
the Trigallia Celtic Festival will be stopped. this harsh decision has been taken in response to comments made about the possibilities in terms of time, at the disposal of the organizers. Trigallia is not our job and it's just the passion that drove us to face extraordinary challenges and exciting. With this message we hope to reach all stakeholders, all those who collaborated and those who were waiting for news about future editions. We have used the term interrupted and delayed because, having already used the second term above, then we can not keep our promise, as we did not use the t ermine concluded ... because you never know!
For us, the nine-year Trigallia (longer version of the two families) have been formidable and magical and undoubtedly represent the most important experience of our lives. We know we have achieved our goal: to make known the existence and the presence of Celtic populations in our area. And spread the culture of our ancestors. This message came loud and clear on this and there is no doubt. The rest is history.
Who wants to retain an indelible memory of Trigallia recommend buying the DVD box set containing 3
latest edition, produced by a team of seven cameramen and edited by people who gave us heart. It will never be comparable to the experience of having lived through the festival in person, but a lot of spirit and energy that permeated Trigallia is possible to perceive and remember ...!
Thanks for following the Trigallia Celtic Festival in recent years, a big hug to you all and let the life guide us ... see you around Christmas!

Ok, leave the abyss of sadness with a great news: A Reggio Emilia

It 's only once a month and "only" 3 hours, but I can assure you that is more intense than the 3 hours you can do!

Next meeting: Sunday, November 30 the Globe Gym of Reggio Emilia.

ELENA NOTE: Dancing with them is an incredible feeling!
I do not want anything to take away our teacher this year that I particularly like, but the Gens d'Ys are from another planet. After the afternoon of October I thought I would never be able to walk, and the next morning I hurt the muscles that I did not even have, but it was still a wonderful experience that I can not wait to repeat!
I've got to solve the oxygen problem though: I understand that Umberto stops and stares at me to see if I pitch well, but I can not concentrate to forget to breathe! I no longer the physical things!!


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